Monday, September 6, 2010



Initially, I thought Dogtooth was going to be some sort of shocking, excruciating exercise.  The real shocker of the movie, however, was how funny I thought it was.  I laughed more during Dogtooth than I have for any so called comedy during the last couple of years.  Going in I was expecting something Lars Von Trier-y or Michael Haneke-ish but what I got was a comedy sort of akin to oddball seventies stuff like Eating Raoul or Little Murders.  It was such a pleasant surprise.  Don't get me wrong, it was weird and probably off putting to most viewers but I was really into it.  The performances of the kids in the movie, especially the older daughter were phenomenal.  This dance scene cracked me up to no end.
It also made me realize that I don't think I have ever seen a Greek movie before.  I've seen a lot of the Costa-Gravas stuff but I'm pretty sure most people consider those French.  The language hit my ear a little wobbly but it sounded pretty great with most of the deadpan delivery in this movie.

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