Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps

Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps

Obviously this movie was bad.  Oliver Stone hasn't made anything worth seeing since JFK but all of his movies leading up to and including JFK I actually enjoy so there is always a chance.  It just seems like he's lost his way with the basic idea of Story.  This particular dud contained no compelling characters or ideas.  He lets all the bad guys off easy and the good guy, you can tell because the good guy is the one trying to make money off of green energy, kind of wins in the end.  I just didn't see the point.  There are so many lines and tangents in this mess that just go nowhere, it's like a plate of spaghetti just glopped on the screen.  I spent most of the movie trying to figure out why Josh Brolin's character would have an office with two huge Keith Haring paintings as well as a Goya's Saturn Devouring His Children and a Richard Prince nurse painting.  His opulence did not compute.  And if you hate Shia Labeouf, he cries in this.  Finally, while "money may never sleep," I did for about fifteen minutes in the middle of the movie.

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